Here is a oak roll top desk. It had hardly any finish on the top of the desk. I wasn't able to get a picture of it together. It came in apart.
This is the top of the desk. The tambour was already taken out. The pigeon holes are all in tacked, just in the need for some TLC.
This is the tambour with stripper sitting on it.
This is the tambour half stripped.
Here are two draws with stripper sitting on them.
These ones are all stripped and ready to be sanded.
The desk is all sanded and ready for stain.
Stained and now ready for finish. Brain sprayed the coats of finish on!!
The roll top is all set and ready for the own to have!!
I'm more then pleased with the way it came out.
Absolutely beautiful, Susan. You are a master! You've changed this desk in a way that will bring satisfaction to the owners for years!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Jacqueline!! I will have to say that Brian sprayed the last coat of finish on. I guess I should add that in the blog!!