

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Little Different

I wanted to show what a differences stripping and a little bit of sanding can do. Here are two chairs that came in the same color black. It was stripped and then sanded.
Here is a baby grand piano that was a job to strip, and sand.
This is what it looked like after being stained.
 These are legs to a chair. The chairs were painted a dark blue. After stripping the blue was still in the grain. Once it was sanded the paint came out and we were able to stain them! They were beautiful. I forgot to take a picture of the done chair.
 This is a kitchen that we are working on now. This is before sanded.
 Here it is all sanded. What a differences.
 Here is a little foot stool all apart. There were a ton of small piece that fell off. I'm so glad the owner found all the pieces.
 Looks so much better all glued up!!

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