

Monday, April 11, 2011

Meeting With Another Etsy Shop Owner

When I first started making jewelry I jumped onto the site www.Etsy.com to open my shop www.etsy.com/shop/poiriers . I also started this blog because of Etsy. I would also write about it on my Facebook page to get the site out there. One of my friends read the post and told me about a girl she knew that was opening a store an hour from where I live. I got a hold of the owner of the store and meet with her and put my hemp bracelets in her store. There were other people selling there jewelry there too. I grabbed the card of Diane which had the website of Etsy!!! http://www.etsy.com/people/GlassBeadExpressions I started chatting with her online. Well we both needed to get some of our stuff from the store and planned a time to meet. What a sweet lady Diane is, and very busy!!! I'm glad that we had time to have lunch together. I keep asking myself if trying to sell my stuff on Etsy was a good idea. Well I haven't made a lot of sells, but I have met a bunch of kind and caring people. So ya!! I'm glad I sell on Etsy!!!


  1. Hello :)
    I found your blog from the Etsy Talent Hunt team...isn't that exciting?

    I have too have met many wonderful people on Etsy through various teams and have met up with them for lunch. I live in Texas and in January I even drove up to Oklahoma for the day to meet another Esty peep for lunch. It was a fun day and this week I have another lunch planned with another Etsy peep. I truly believe that this is the best part of my business...meeting people who share many of the same interests and struggles as me.
    Don't give up on your Etsy shop; it take time and you gotta work it a lot, but it eventually begins to take root and grow.


  2. Thank you so much for check out my blog! I love the fact that you enjoy etsy so much! I went to your blog and it's one I will be following now!!
