

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Project Of The Week

Here is my new kitchen table that I am over the moon with!
 The table was found on the side of the road by a dear friend of mine. I have been thinking for months what to do with it. I decided to match my Jelly cabinet that I did years ago. I'm also trying to get that Tuscan feel to my kitchen. Here is the top of the table before sanding and staining it.
 The skirt and legs were white.
 I sanded all the white off the skirt and legs.
 I painted the first coat black.
 Then a coat of bright green paint. I use a bright green because when I use the dark wax it will tone it down.
 Once the paint was all dry I scuffed everything by hand with 220 grit sandpaper.

 I dusted it all off then waxed away!! :O)
 Here is my old kitchen table that I though I liked.
 Here is my new beautiful kitchen table. I'm sooooo in love with it. The chairs were at my work for sale and I thought they would be just the right fit for the table.

So now I need to work on the flooring in the kitchen. We have lived in the house now over 4 years and I can't stand the flooring. There are rips and holes from the other owners. So add that to the list of things to do. :O)


  1. Love the table and appreciate the details about how you did it. My floor is in the same condition from years of renters and I think it'll come before the table reno. But you've certainly given me some great ideas!

    1. Thank you so much Susanna for reading my blog. I'm glad I gave you some ideas!! It's so cool how one thing can really change a room. Next I think will be the island. It's a hutch bottom waiting to become a really kitchen island.
